Wednesday, 7/17/19

Destin, Florida – June 2019

Well, good Wednesday evening, my friends! It sure has been quite some time since I last connected with you guys on Morgan’s behalf through this blog. I hope you all have been following our daily post on her Facebook in the interim.

If so, you likely know that it has been a busy couple of months for Morgan. She was admitted into the hospital for 10 days, seen in the ER and readmitted for a short time in May. She has also had 2 clinic visits weekly since that time where she has received blood &/or platelet transfusions, IV antibiotics due to fevers and most recently an inhalation treatment to prevent her from developing pneumonia due to her low immune system.

With that said, Morgan was seen in the clinic today. After receiving her inhalation treatment, platelets and blood, we had a discussion with her physician in regards to her blood counts not showing any signs of recovery since her last IV chemotherapy treatment in April. As you may recall, she has not been able to start her 3rd cycle of IV chemotherapy due to this. What we learned is that although her body could just be taking longer than normal to heal from the chemotherapy, there was a red flag in her blood work from yesterday that could indicate otherwise. Yes, all of this could be a result of the leukemia.

So what does this mean? Well, it means that Morgan has been scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy next week. Our hope is that it will give us a clear picture of what is going on inside of that little body of hers so that we can come up with a plan moving forward. For it is the unknown that makes things difficult.

On that note, please pray that whatever is taking place in Morgan’s body will be revealed to us and that the Lords will be done through it all. For we know and believe by faith that our purpose is greater than the human eye can see and that he has a plan in place for it all!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

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I'm a purpose driven dreamer who loves The Lord, her family, reading, writing, dancing & running!

8 thoughts on “Wednesday, 7/17/19”

  1. Praying for an answer to find out exactly what is going on inside of Morgan’s body. Lord, Great Physician, Place your healing hand upon Morgan and bring peace to all of the lovely Watson family. Amen! 🙏🏻

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My GREATEST fear is the fear of the unknown. But the STRONG LITTLE WATSON, will just smile and will continue to fight!!!! LOVE ME some WATSON’S!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mine too, Mr Groom. We have to know that it’s in God’s hands no matter what. 😊 He’s got us!
      And the WATSON’S LOVE US SOME GROOM’S!!! 🧡🧡🧡


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